Not only financial companies, but also financial firms, using a platform optimized for the financial market based on accumulated technology and expertise.
It offers a wide range of fintech business Dev.s and associated service offerings, as well as services in all areas of mobile applications.
- Providing a competitive system,
including expansion to diverse services
- Provides systems using a variety of mobile
Dev. languages
- Providing a fast and stable financial Dev. platform
- Delivering services using its own strategy algorithm
- Development and reliability that best reflects
individual customer needs Provide Maintenance
- 02Main
- Develops its own stock strategy trading algorithm and
provides automatic trading services.
- Individual system-tailored projects that take into
account the selling styles of the customers
- Overseas Securities Company HTS, MTS Dev. and
Service Project
- Virtual Currency Exchange HTS, MTS
Development and Service Business
- Projects linked to various fintech firms
- Integrated solution business using securities
- Regional Introduction Application Project
- Financial Mobile SNS Business